Senior Advice to Entering Freshman

During recent interviews of graduating EE and CPE students, Seniors wanted Freshmen to know the following.

  1. Manage your time and be prepared for long hours of studying. Do your homework.
  2. Take your foundation courses seriously - you will use them. Do not underestimate your basic classes in Physics and Calculus. If you struggle with the foundation courses, especially Physics and Calculus, you will have a hard time.
  3. Spread out your electives through the years, you will need a break when you get into upper level courses. This is very hard for transfer students because most have used up their elective classes before reaching MSU.
  4. When tools are taught such as PSPICE and Matlab, learn them since you will be expected to use them.
  5. Develop good word processing skills.
  6. For some students, 14 or 15 hours should be the class load. Maybe spread the program out to add either one more semester or one more year.