Zhao and Argonne National Laboratory Making National Power Grid More Resilient

December 14, 2020

Dr. Junbo Zhao in close partnership with the Argonne National Laboratory through a three-year project, entitled “Macro-Resiliency of the North American Power Grid,” will aim to make the national power grid more resilient. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

The main objective of the project is to develop a computationally efficient macro model to capture wide-area power system wave propagations. Such a model will assist in the investigation of mitigation strategies/controls to prevent system cascading failures. The outcome of the work would allow system planners and operators to identify the hidden weak points and design effective controls to avoid blackouts.

 “Preventing wide-area power system blackout is always of critical importance for my research. However, understanding the system weak points needs advanced mathematics and deep knowledge of the grid dynamics. I am very excited to work together with my great colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory to deal with these challenges and develop novel tools that can benefit the reliability and resiliency enhancement of national grid,” stated Dr. Zhao, Assistant Professor in ECE.

“Dr. Zhao’s work in the area of power systems is of the highest importance for our Nation. Through collaborations with the Argonne National Laboratory, Dr. Zhao will unfold scientific breakthroughs in a timely fashion,” said Dr. Khan, the ECE Department Head.

For more information about Dr. Zhao, please visit his webpage.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University consists of 23 faculty members (including 7 endowed professors), 3 clinical faculty, 10 professional and support staff, and over 700 undergraduate and graduate students with approximately 88 being at the Ph.D. level. With research expenditure of the department in excess of $10M, the department houses the largest High Voltage Laboratory among North American Universities. For more detailed information on the department please visit our website www.ece.msstate.edu.